Peak Performance Buoyancy

The Course

​Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost as if by thought. They more easily observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. You can achieve this, too. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course improves the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevates them to the next level.


Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 10 years old, are eligible to take the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.

​The Learning

​During two scuba dives, you’ll learn how to:

  • Determine the exact weight you need, so you’re not too light or too heavy.
  • Trim your weight system and scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
  • Streamline to save energy, use air more efficiently and move more smoothly through the water.
  • Hover effortlessly in any position – vertical or horizontal.

​Also, the first dive of the Peak Performance Buoyancy course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask us about earning credit.

​You may be able to get college credit for the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.

​Important Medical Information

All student divers are required to complete the PADI/RSTC Medical Statement Participant Record form. If you can answer “YES” to one or more of the questions in the Divers Medical Questionnaire section of this form, then you are required to obtain a physician’s release, without conditions or restrictions, before participating in any in-water component of the course. Please read the complete details and download the form here.

If you have a copy of this form signed by a physician within 12 months prior to the expected completion date of your course, and your medical history has not changed, then you may provide a copy of it to your instructor. Otherwise, you will need to complete a new form.



​Course tuition includes:

  • PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy eLearning
  • Instructional dives with our professional crew*
  • Certification processing
  • Certification card

​*Scuba park admission, air fills and scuba equipment rental not included.

​Get Started

​Stop by or call us to enroll in the course and get the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy eLearning. By studying before the dives, you’ll be better prepared to start practicing your buoyancy skills when you go diving with your Instructor.

​The Gear

​It’s not required, but it’s best to use your own scuba equipment, including a weight system, so that you fine-tune your buoyancy in gear you’ll use on every dive. Our Instructor and crew can help you find the equipment that is best for you and your diving adventures.

​The Next Step

​With your PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy certification, you’re well on your way toward earning additional specialty diver certifications, the Advanced Open Water Diver certification, or the prestigious Master Scuba Diver certification. You may want to expand your diving skills even more with the Rescue Diver course. Ask your instructor or divemaster, stop by, or give us a call for more details.